Activities plus

Outdoor Activities
Art projects: draw pictures of plants, produce, flowers; decorate fencing, wooden beds, and containers around plants; create stepping-stone paths, painting.
Bird habitats activity: birds, nests, etc.
Build bug houses
Charm snails & slugs
Eat, smell
Environmental education activities.
Examine things up close
Feel things, including emotions
Find a magic spot
Good bugs/bad bugs identification activity.
Help with anything you’re doing
Hunt for bugs
Grow herbs & bulbs to give as gifts year round.
Listen to the wind, frogs, crickets, bees, chimes, cicada
Make bouquets
Make garden shrines
Make plant collages
Plant seeds & starts
Predators (praying mantis, ladybugs) and plowers (earthworms/red worms) activity.
Press flowers
Pull weeds (kids love to do this for some reason)
Rake leaves (and jumping in them)
Read about bugs and plants
Read about gardens and/or read in the garden.
Save seeds
Sift compost
Sing songs
Take field trips to local farms, farmer’s markets, community gardens, flower beds in local parks.

Indoor activities
Bulbs planted in off-season
Carpentry projects such as birdhouses, feeders, and window boxes
Container gardening
Dry and arrange flowers
Garden-related games, songs, and virtual field trips
Garden under artificial light
Identify fruits and vegetables
Make salads or creating recipes and cookbooks
Miniature and terrarium gardens
Nature crafts using pods, seeds, conifer cones, dried herbs ad flowers, etc.
Propagate plants
Indoor growing
Lights: hang lights 2-3” above potting soil or plant starts
set lights on a 12-hour timer
Use fresh potting soil or sterile seed starting mix
If seedlings become leggy, lights are not sufficient- start again
Keep seeds moist until they sprout, then water daily; a tray under them keeps water constant and peat pots moist.
Projects: teacup succulent gardens
Plant cuttings from aloe vera, christmas cactus or jade plant in tea or coffee cups purchased from consignment stores
Sprouts— grow and eat sprouts like alfalfa, clover, radish, broccoli, or ming beans. Sprout lemon or orange seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat or oats.

Container Garden
Site location: sunny, out of wind, easy to access, water source nearby
Soil: potting soils specially formulated to promote drainage while holding water, organic if you can find it. Fill container with soil (do not add rocks). Fill to 2-4 inches from top rim.
Container: 12-24” tall and 12-24” diameter
plastic: inexpensive, lightweight, will fade and crack in sun
black plastic nursery pots: inexpensive/free, long lasting, warm up quickly
terra cotta: expensive, heavy, crack and crumble if left outside in winter
glazed-clay pots: expensive, heavy, long lasting
half-whiskey barrels: recycled product, lasts for several seasons, large planting area
your creative choice: large bright colored plastic tubs, wheelbarrows, 5 gallon buckets, kid wading pools, etc.
Plants/seeds: look for plants and seeds that say they are for containers or are smaller or can be trellised. Just about any plant can be grown in a container, but some do better based on size.
Feed: Liquid fish fertilizer per their instructions, worm tea, organic fertilizer mix. Look for 3-4-2 generally, and 5-1-1 for lettuce, onions, and other leafy greens. The # corresponds with Nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium content.
Nitrogen promotes green leafy growth
phosphorous promotes roots, buds and flowers
potassium promotes absorption of nutrients and trace minerals
Extend into the community
4-H Youth programs
Community-wide projects
Extension programs
Farm to School Programs Volunteer, join others
Local garden clubs
Master gardeners
Parents/grandparents/extended family members
Youth organizations