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  • Consider soil contaminants, poisonous plants, herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, sharp objects.

  • Know your child’s allergies.

  • Be aware of rocks, logs and things that hide within and under like snakes.

  • Be aware that bees/wasps land on sweet smelling people (think perfume, fragrances, etc.) so don’t swat and rile them up.

  • Wear long pants if you think there might be ticks.

  • Learn how to and teach how to recognize poison sumac, ivy, and oak.

  • Inspect tools for defects or damage, including splintered handles, dull heads and blades, worth teeth or broken joints.

  • Instruct child on how to use the tool.

  • Don’t let children under 14 years old use power tools and only with adult supervision.

  • Don’t give young children sharp tools.

  • Every tool has a dangerous side, which you might paint red to make sure they understand and are careful. The red side should always be pointed down to the ground so no one trips, steps, or falls on the dangerous side.

  • Allow for adequate room when using a tool to prevent injury to others.

  • Use the proper tool for the work you are doing.

  • Rotate tasks to prevent repetitive motion injuries.

  • Lifting should be done with the knees and not the back.

  • Carry only the weight you can handle safely, regardless of your age.

  • Use wheelbarrows to move heavy loads and make smaller trips.

  • Hoses should be rolled up to prevent tripping.

  • Don’t leave pruning shears where children can get to them.

  • Don’t leave pruned stalks at child-eye level as the sharp points can do damage.

  • Keep any garden chemical (don’t use them, but if you must) out of the reach of children. If you must have chemicals, keep them locked up in a storage area and never use them around children.

  • Never leave a toddler or young child outdoors unattended.

  • Teach them never to eat any plant unless an adult is supervising.

  • Don’t eat the soil.

  • Watch for plants with spiny leaves or thorns and remove them or just be aware of them.

  • Be watchful of children around ponds, pools, large puddles, buckets and large containers of any sort that may have water of any level in it or be a place where they can get stuck/trapped.

  • Most insects are harmless, but teach them to identify bees and wasps, fire ants, stinging caterpillars.

  • Use stakes taller than your toddler/young child as short stakes can cause eye injuries.

  • Fence off areas or fence in areas to keep children within a certain safe space.

  • Block off stairs and decks.

  • Keep deck furniture away from railings and balconies.

  • Make sure there are no sharp rocks or glass in the garden before you let your child go barefoot.

  • Store gas tanks for propane grills so children can’t reach the knobs.

  • Don’t use a power lawn mower when children are in the yard as they can throw objects a considerable distance with great force.

  • Always wash after gardening.

  • Use antiseptics on cuts or scrapes.

© 2024 proudly created by  LuAnn Collins 

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