Design for Pest Management

Integrated pest management is an important part of the design process. The overuse of pesticides and herbicides has become a world wide problem and are linked to cancer, learning problems, respiratory problems, and more. Use organic growing methods and integrated pest management rather than chemicals.
First, buy quality seeds & plants from reputable seed companies and nurseries.
Leave plenty of space between plants for air circulation, which reduces the chances for diseases.
Plant appropriately: set plant out when it is time to set them out so they aren’t susceptible to a pest attack.
Set up barriers: use physical barriers by using row covers or nets that allow sunlight and water, but keep out pests. These will have to be removed during blossoming.
Pick the pests: hand-pick and destroy insects.
Prevent weeds: a layer of much helps control weeds and conserve soil moisture.
Monitor your garden for any new pests regularly.
Keep it clean: discard any diseased plant material immediately. Remove debris.
Rotate crops: move crops to different garden locations each year.
Marigolds, garlic and nasturtiums are natural insect repellents. Marigold discourages root nematodes and ants, squash bugs, tomato hornworms and bean beetles. Garlic repels aphids and Japanese beetles. Nasturtiums repel pot bugs and white flies.
Insecticidal soap and homemade insect repellents are other non-chemical ways of protecting your plants.